dried fruit iran

Iranian dried fruit (Persian)

Iran is one of the largest producers and exporters of dried fruit in the world. Dried fruit is a traditional and healthy snack that has been enjoyed by Iranians for centuries. Dry fruit is made by removing the water content from fresh fruit, either by sun-drying or using modern techniques such as dehydrators, ovens, or freeze-drying. Dried fruit has many benefits, such as:

– Preserving the natural flavor, color, and nutrients of the fruit
– Extending the shelf life and reducing the weight of the fruit
– Providing a concentrated source of energy, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins
– Enhancing the taste and texture of various dishes and desserts

Iran has a rich variety of fruits that are suitable for drying, such as figs, apricots, plums, raisins, berries, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, bananas, kiwis, and more. Iran also has a favorable climate and soil for growing high-quality fruits. Iran’s dried fruit industry has a long history and a strong reputation in the global market. In this article, we will explore some of the aspects of Iran’s dried fruit industry.

Iran’s dried fruit exporter

Iran is one of the leading exporters of dried fruit in the world. According to the International Nut and Dried Fruit Council (INC), Iran exported about 149,000 metric tons of dried fruit in 2020, ranking fourth after Turkey, the United States, and Chile. Iran’s main export markets for dried fruit are:

– Asia: China, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, etc.
– Europe: Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Netherlands, etc.
– Africa: Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, etc.
– America: Canada, Brazil, Mexico, etc.

Iran’s dried fruit export is mainly composed of pitted prune, raisins, figs, and apricots, which account for about 70% of the total volume. Iran also exports other types of dried fruit, such as plums, berries, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, bananas, kiwis, etc. Iran’s dried fruit export is valued at about $500 million annually.

Iranian dry fruit producer

Iran has a large number of dry fruit producers, ranging from small-scale farmers to large-scale companies. Iran’s dry fruit production is estimated at about 400,000 metric tons per year, of which about 40% is exported and the rest is consumed domestically. Iran’s fruit production is mainly concentrated in the following province regions:

– Kerman: The largest producer of dates, especially the famous Bam date, which is known for its large size, soft texture, and sweet taste. Kerman also produces other types of dates, such as Piarom, Zahedi, Rabbi, etc.
– Fars: The largest producer of figs, especially the Qeysarieh fig, which is known for its green color, thin skin, and honey-like taste. Fars also produces other types of figs, such as Anjir, Sabz, etc.
– Yazd: The largest producer of raisins, especially the Sultana raisin, which is known for its golden color, seedless nature, and juicy taste. Yazd also produces other types of raisins, such as Kashmari, Malayeri, etc.
– East Azerbaijan: The largest producer of apricots, especially the Shahroudi apricot, which is known for its orange color, firm texture, and sour taste. East Azerbaijan also produces other types of apricots, such as Zardalu, Mashhadi, etc.

BEST SUPPLIER of Persian dried fruit

BEST SUPPLIER of Persian dried fruit for export is Armanifood. Armanifood has a big factory to dry Persian fruit from any province with certificates from Europe and the world. It also has a good delivery system and packing for dried fruit export. Wholesale price and bulk order are the main benefits for Armanifood buyers from anywhere in the world.

Iran’s dry fruit producers also apply various treatments to their fruits, such as:

– Washing: To remove dirt, dust, insects, and other impurities from the fruits.
– Grading: To sort the fruits by size, shape, color, and quality.
– Sulphuring:(for our product sulphuring only for apricot) To expose the fruits to sulphur dioxide gas, which acts as a preservative and an anti-browning agent, and enhances the color and flavor of the fruits. (have SO2 standard and can be private order)
– Packing: To pack the fruits in suitable containers, such as boxes, bags, cans, jars, etc., which protect the fruits from damage, contamination, and moisture loss, and facilitate the storage, transportation, and distribution of the fruits.

Whole dry fruit of Iran

Whole dry fruit of Iran refers to the dried fruit that retains its original shape and size, and does not undergo any cutting, slicing, or processing. Whole dried fruit of Iran is preferred by many consumers, as it preserves the natural beauty, flavor, and texture of the fruit, and provides a satisfying chewing experience.The whole dry fruit of Iran is also ideal for decorating and garnishing various dishes and desserts, such as cakes, pies, puddings, ice creams, etc. Some examples of whole dry fruit of Iran are:

Pitted prune

Pitted Prune are the one of most popular and widely consumed whole dry fruit of Iran.


Wet Figs

Wet Figs are another favorite and common whole dry fruit of Iran. Figs are round-shaped fruits that grow on fig trees, and have a green or purple color, a thin or thick skin, and a honey-like or jam-like taste, depending on the variety and ripeness. Figs are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, magnesium, and antioxidants, and have many health benefits.



Dried Apricots are another delicious and popular whole dry fruit of Iran. Apricots are oval-shaped fruits that grow on apricot trees, and have a yellow or orange color, a firm or soft texture, and a sour or sweet taste, depending on the variety and ripeness. Apricots are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants, and have many health benefits.

Dried Apricot (Jumbo)

Sliced dried fruit of Iran bulk

Sliced dried fruit of Iran refers to the dried fruit that is cut into thin or thick pieces, either by hand or by machine, before or after drying. Slice dried fruit of Iran is preferred by some consumers, as it reduces the size and weight of the fruit, and makes it easier to eat and digest. Slice dry fruit of Iran is also ideal for adding and mixing with various foods and drinks, such as cereals, granola, yogurt, milk, tea, etc. Some examples of sliced dried fruit of Iran are:



Plums are one of the most common and widely consumed sliced dried fruit of Iran. Plums are round-shaped fruits that grow on plum trees, and have a red or purple color, a juicy or dry texture, and a sweet or tart taste, depending on the variety and ripeness. Plums are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin K, potassium, and antioxidants, and have many health benefits.


Apples are another common and delicious sliced dried fruit of Iran.The apples are round-shaped fruits that grow on apple trees, and have a green or red color, a crunchy or soft texture, and a sweet or sour taste, depending on the variety and ripeness. Apples are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, pectin, and antioxidants, and have many health benefits.


Pears are another tasty and popular sliced dried fruit of Iran.The pears are oval-shaped fruits that grow on pear trees, and have a yellow or brown color, a juicy or dry texture, and a sweet or bland taste, depending on the variety and ripeness. Pear are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, copper, and antioxidants, and have many health benefits.


Iranian fruit granules wholesale

Iranian fruit granules are a type of dried fruit that is processed into small and uniform particles, either by crushing, grinding, or sieving. persian fruit granules are preferred by some consumers, as they provide a convenient and versatile way to consume dried fruit, and can be easily stored, measured, and mixed. Iran fruit granules are also ideal for making and baking various products, such as bread, cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. Some examples of Iranian fruit granules are:

Berry granules

Berry granules are made by grinding and sieving dried berries, such as barberries, mulberries, cranberries, etc., and have a red or purple color and a sour or sweet taste. Granulated black berry are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, anthocyanins, and antioxidants, and have the same health benefits as whole berries. blackberry granules can be used as a flavor enhancer, a colorant, a garnish, or a snack for various foods and drinks, such as yogurt, ice cream, salad, etc.

Apple granules

Apple granules are made by grinding and sieving dried apples, and have a green or yellow color and a sweet or sour taste. Apples granules are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, pectin, and antioxidants, and have the same health benefits as whole apples. Apple granule can be used as a thickener, a stabilizer, a filler, or a snack for various foods and drinks, such as soup, sauce, jam, etc.


Iranian fruit powder wholesale

Iranian dried fruit powder is a type of dried fruit that is processed into fine and uniform powder, either by pulverizing, milling, or spray-drying.The Iranian fruit powder is preferred by some consumers, as it provides a concentrated and consistent way to consume dried fruit, and can be easily dissolved, dispersed, and blended. Iran fruit powder is also ideal for making and using various products, such as cosmetics, supplements, medicines, etc. Some examples of Iranian fruit powder are:

dried apricot powder . dried apple powder , dried strawberry powder

Infusion tea

we roosted dried granulated fruit for used for herbal tea , its especial product of us. some of them is :

– Apple tea

– Quince tea

Export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe

Export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe is a major and growing trade activity that benefits both parties.and export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe is driven by several factors, such as:

– Demand: Europe is one of the largest and most diverse markets for dried fruit in the world, with a high and increasing demand for healthy, natural, and exotic products. Europe imports about 1.2 million metric tons of dried fruit annually, accounting for about 40% of the global dried fruit trade. Europe’s main importers of dried fruit are Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the UK, which together account for about 70% of the total volume. Europe’s main imported dried fruit are figs, apricots, and dried prunes, which together account for about 70% of the total value.
– Supply: Iran is one of the largest and most reliable suppliers of dried fruit in the world, with a high and consistent quality and quantity of products. Iran exports about 150,000 metric tons of dried fruit annually, accounting for about 10% of the global dried fruit trade. Iran’s main export markets for dried fruit are Asia, Europe, Africa, and America.

advantages of export dried fruit from Iran

– Advantage: Export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe offers several advantages for both parties, such as:

– Economic: for export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe generates income and employment for both parties, and contributes to the development and diversification of their economies.and export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe also creates opportunities for trade and investment, and fosters cooperation and integration between the two regions.
– Social: and export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe promotes cultural and culinary exchange and appreciation between the two parties, and enhances their mutual understanding and respect. Exported of dried fruit from Iran to Europe also supports the livelihood and well-being of the farmers and producers, and improves their access to education, health, and technology.
– Environmental: the Exporting of dried fruit from Iran to Europe reduces food waste and loss, and preserves the natural resources and biodiversity of both parties.the export of dried fruit from Iran to Europe also encourages the adoption and implementation of sustainable and organic practices, and improves the environmental awareness and responsibility of both parties.


Wholesale dried fruit prices of Iran for export and import


Persian dried fruit Wholesale

Persian dried fruit wholesale is a term that refers to the dried fruit that originates from or is influenced by the Persian culture and cuisine. the Persian dried fruit is characterized by its unique and distinctive features, such as:

– Variety: Persian dry fruit has a wide and diverse range of fruits that are suitable for drying, such as figs, apricots, plums, raisins, berries, apples, pears, peaches, cherries, bananas, kiwis, and more. Persian dried fruit also has a variety of methods and techniques for drying, such as sun-drying, oven-drying, freeze-drying, etc.
– Quality: high and consistent quality of products, due to the favorable climate and soil conditions, the long history and tradition, the skilled and experienced farmers and producers, and the strict and rigorous standards and regulations.
– Flavor: the Persian dried fruit has a rich and complex flavor of products, due to the natural and original taste, color, and aroma of the fruits, the addition and infusion of various spices, herbs, and flowers, cardamom, rose, etc., and the use and application of various coatings.


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