Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company

Is dried fruit harmful to health and causes obesity?

Did you know that consumption of dried fruits and nuts have a direct effect on obesity?! The preparation and use of dried fruit has been popular since ancient times due to its high durability and long-term use. Dried fruits often have more calories than fresh fruits. Due to the lack of knowledge about the effect of dried fruit on obesity, most people become overweight by consuming a lot of dried fruit! So, stay with us with this Armani Food article to find out the relationship between dried fruit and obesity. For other information visit the bulk dried fruit prices content.

Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company
Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company

Are dried fruits effective for weight gain?

We all know that if the amount of calories we consume during the day is more than the calories we burn, we will get fat! In the process of producing dried fruits, by removing the interstitial water of fresh fruits, its volume is significantly reduced. Therefore, dried fruits have much more calories than the same amount of fresh fruit. For example: Consider one cup of grapes and one cup of raisins. A cup of raisins weighs and counts more, so it has more calories than a cup of grapes.

In this example, a cup of grapes has 100 calories and a cup of raisins has 400 calories. Normally, the amount of calories in dried fruit is about 4 times more than fresh fruit.

Checking the calories of some dried fruits

Before examining a number of useful dried fruits along with their calories per gram, it should be noted that although dried fruits and obesity have a direct effect on each other, the consumption of dried fruits is not the only cause of obesity. It is also useful for health and supply of essential vitamins. In order to increase information and further study, it is recommended to read the article on the nutritional value and properties of dried fruits from Armani Food.

We must also remember that these fruits do not contain additives, especially sugar, so they are healthy and useful. In the following, we will explain the calorie content of some dry fruits:

Dates: Dates have 282 kcal per hundred grams. Thanks to vitamin B5, it increases physical endurance and prevents false appetite.

Dried apricots: 100 grams of dried apricots contain 200 kilocalories and are relatively low in calories. Dried apricots can make you feel full for about 5 hours and also contain calcium and potassium.

Raisins: As an excellent dried fruit, raisins have 299 kcal per hundred grams. So it is very useful for a low calorie snack.

Plum; An alternative to unhealthy snacks: each 100 grams of plum has 240 kcalories. Because of the wonderful taste of this fruit, you can use it as a snack instead of unhealthy snacks. This fruit is also high in fiber, which is good for digestion and detoxifies the body.

Dried peaches: each hundred grams of peaches has about 220 kilocalories.

Dried banana: 100 grams of dried banana has about 530 kcal of energy. Bananas also contain fiber, potassium, vitamin C and carbohydrates.

Dried kiwi: Each hundred grams of dried kiwi contains 380 kcal and can be considered as a good source of iron and calcium.

This fruit has 3 times more vitamin C than an orange.

The best time to eat dried fruits

One of the most common questions about dried fruit is when to use it. About dried fruit and obesity, we should know that dried fruits can be consumed at any time of the day, but the best time to eat them is early in the morning and on an empty stomach so that you can benefit from its maximum properties and maximize its absorption.

Benefits of dried fruit

By drying fruits, they can be prevented from wasting. Also, you can use dried fruits in regions where those fruits do not originate from that region. Or use them on season other than the special season of that fruit.

Dry fruits are used in addition to the usual consumption or by adding water, yogurt and milk. And by combining them with other nutrients such as oats or other grains, you can make useful breakfasts and snacks for athletes or children and other groups and use more benefits. This may change depending on your taste.

If you use dried fruits to lose weight, you should be careful about their volume. Do not think that because dried fruit is healthy, it must not be harmful. Dried fruit, like any other healthy thing, is harmful in large quantities.

If the nutritionist has advised you to eat dried fruit with yogurt, it is better to use low-fat yogurt.

Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company
Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company

What nuts and dried fruits are slimming?

Many people believe that there is a direct relationship between nuts and obesity. Of course, if the balance is not achieved in the consumption of dry fruits, this article is true, but dry fruits help digestion due to their high fiber content, so they are useful for weight loss. Therefore, by eliminating high-calorie snacks and replacing dry fruits, you can reduce your weight.


In this article from Armani Food, we talked about dry fruits and obesity, and in addition, we mentioned some points about the calories of some dry fruits and the right time to consume them. Dried fruits are one of healthy snacks that can be used instead of unhealthy foods such as chips and puffs, but if you consume them excessively or use dried fruits with additives such as sugar, they will definitely cause obesity and overweight.

Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company

Poor or high quality dried fruit, how to tell the difference?

Fruits are always known as one of the most popular foods. In the past, due to this popularity, bulk dried fruits were also produced, in other words, people used different methods to be able to benefit from their favorite fruits in a different period of their production time. Methods such as pickling, salting and drying were among the methods of preserving fruits and preventing them from spoiling. This method of keeping has reached us from our ancestors, and it is currently considered as one of the best ways to consume fruit and has many fans.


If you are a lover of dried fruits, you should distinguish high-quality fruits from low-quality ones and buy top bulk dried fruits so that the right nutrients are absorbed by your body. This article from Armani Food provides you with all the information in this field, so stay with us until the end of the article.

Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company
Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company

What are dried fruits?

Before we talk about the quality of dried fruits, it is better to familiarize yourself with the concept of dried fruits. Fruits that lose some of their water in a natural or artificial process and only dry tissue remains are called dried fruits. The size of these fruits is smaller than fresh fruits and their amount of calories and sugar is also higher for same weight. This type of fruit has a lot of fiber, minerals and vitamins that are good for the body and cure many problems.

Detection of low quality dried fruits

Fruit drying has principles and rules that the more accurate and better it is made, the more suitable product will be made. Some companies, without following these principles, use low-quality fruits for drying in order to make more profit, which leads to low product quality.

Also, some people do not dry the fruits with the correct methods or use substances in the drying process so that the fruit dries faster. Fruits that are dried with chemicals, of course, are not organic and are low quality dried fruits.

The method of packaging and distribution is another factor that determines the quality of the product. If the wrong methods are used for product packaging, it is possible to damage the product and reduce the quality of the product. Also, in some cases, dried fruits are sold in bulk without considering the way of packaging, in this case there is a possibility of insects and dust coming into contact with the product and significantly reducing the quality of the product.

What are the effective factors in determining the quality of top dried fruits?

Now that you are familiar with low-quality dried fruit, it is time to know its opposite, which is high-quality dried fruit. There are many factors that indicate the quality of dried fruits, some of which are mentioned below.

Drying method and moisture level of the product

Dried fruits are used in two forms, semi-dried and completely dried. Usually, semi-dried fruits look better because they have a little moisture. But their shelf life is less and they cannot be stored for a long time. Although dried fruits have a long shelf life due to the lack of moisture and are considered high quality products.

Fruit type

The type of main fruit affects the final quality of the product. Some types of fruits have a lot of water compared to their texture, while other types of fruits have a heavier texture than the amount of water inside the fruit, or in other words, they are fleshy (such as bananas). The best dried fruits are made from fleshy fruits that are rich in nutrients. Also, if worm-eaten fruits, pitted fruits, very ripe fruits, etc. are used for drying, the final result will not be favorable, so the health of the fresh fruit affects the quality of the final product.

Drying method of product

Organic dried fruits that have been dried naturally and under direct sunlight have many nutrients and higher quality. Although fruits produced by industrial methods have few nutrients, they are often more beautiful. Therefore, many people consider the type of drying and its nutrients regardless of the appearance of the fruit.

Health approval and permit

To ensure the quality of the manufactured product, you can consider things like the presence of approval from the Ministry of Health. With health certificates, you can be sure of the type of drying, the quality of the primary fruit, the health of the work environment and finally the health of the product.

In addition to the factors affecting the quality of dried fruit, factors such as the presence or absence of skin during drying, the cleanliness of the environment and equipment during drying, etc. can be considered as important and necessary factors in the quality of the product.

In this article, you got information from Armani Food about the quality and poor quality of dried fruit and wholesale and industrial dried fruit. Now you can easily distinguish and buy quality dried fruit from poor quality. For more information and to buy and order dried fruit in bulk, contact Armani Food.

Dried plum

A professional and principled method for drying plums

Plum is one of the six families of the genus Prunus which is cultivated on four species of tree plants and shrubs in Iran that have both food and ornamental use. Plum is one of the oldest summer fruits that can be found in nature with various colors (from light yellow to dark purple). This fruit is full of useful vitamins and antioxidants that are very useful for the health of the body and are effective in preventing various diseases. Vitamins K and C, as well as potassium, manganese and copper, are found in abundance in plums, which enhances its nutritional value.

Different types of plums

In general, plums can be divided into two categories: European plums and Japanese plums. Common plums in Iran are generally from the Japanese plum category. Japanese plums are single-core and round, and in terms of color, shape and size, there are different varieties such as yellow plum (gold drop), plum, red plum and black plum, But European plums are visually elongated And have different varieties such as California, Gracilis and Maritima.

European plums are also seen in the same colors mentioned and are sweeter and have less sourness, which are called plums in Iran. French plum and Mexican plum are two completely different types of plum. French plum is green, has a raisin-like appearance and a honey-like taste. Mexican plum also has a round and red fruit, but it is very sweet. Both general categories of plums are eaten either plain (fruit and dried) or stewed.



Benefits of plums

Benefits of yellow plum

This type of plum has anti-inflammatory benefits and also helps to improve short-term memory function. Due to the presence of phenols, especially anthocyanins, it helps to improve the health of the bones and prevents premature osteoporosis. It also improves heart function and slows the formation of diseases such as clogged arteries. Due to its high fiber content, this fruit cleanses the intestines and prevents intestinal diseases, especially colon cancer.

Benefits of dried black plums

This product has a very high nutritional value because it is rich in vitamin A and some types of B vitamins, and also during its drying, the percentage of potassium, copper and manganese increases in proportion to its volume and weight.

Its benefits include helping to treat constipation, lowering blood sugar and better heart function, which in this case is common with other plums, But consuming more than five or six plums and the same weight of prunes can cause problems such as diarrhea or impair blood sugar levels.

Why do we dry plums?

Plum has many benefits and eating it is good for health, and it is also delicious in terms of taste and is used in some traditional Iranian dishes, But due to the bio-genetic reasons of this fruit, which causes the period of fruit ripening to spoilage, as well as its fresh season, it is a very short time, for this reason, from ancient times, they dried it so that they could consume it all year round, or add it as a flavoring to food, or use it along with dried fruit. Dried plums have even been used alone.


The most common models of drying plums

Drying in the oven

In this method, first wash the plums and then cut them in half to remove the core. Then cut the plums into equal diameters, then place the slices on a metal lattice oven at suitable distances. Place a tray under the metal lattice ovento pour the water from the fruit and evaporate. Set the oven temperature between 175 and 200 degrees and check them every two hours to turn off the oven if the surface dries, this method usually takes 8 hours in the oven.

Drying in direct sunlight

After washing and cutting the dried fruit laterally, removing the core and slicing the plums, spread it on the surface of the tray, cover the tray with a cloth net so that the fruits are not accessible to insects. Then expose it to sunlight and open air to dry. At night, in order not to dew, we return the tray inside the house, depending on the humidity and temperature, the drying process can be shortened or lengthened, when one side is completely dry, we turn the slides upside down and repeat the operation.

Smoked drying method

In this method, it is better to use large plums, after the usual steps of washing, removing the core and slicing, we put them on a fixed container, then we collect some sulfur under the chamber and burn it to make the plums semi-dry and smoked using the heat and smoke that is created. After half an hour, put the plums on a tray and put them in direct sunlight to dry for a while. In this method, the extract in plums remains in it and will have a clear color and a more beautiful appearance.

Drying with salt

The simplest way to dry a plum is to dry it with salt and heat. In this method, which works better in summer, we also do the same in the initial stages as above (washing, peeling and slicing). Then place the slices on a flat surface and pour salt on them to make them more palatable and to make the plums profitable to prevent them from spoiling immediately. They can be placed in the sun, outdoors or on a heater, boiler, etc. to dry and consume faster.

Differences between types of dried plums

The physical differences between the different types of prunes are very small, and the biggest difference is in the taste, because drying is the process of separating water from the fruit, And plums undergo chemical changes as they lose water m And changes in the amount of vitamins in the volume are determined.

Most of these changes make the dried fruit taste sweeter or sour, Because the amount of fructose (fruit sugar) in its compounds evaporates with fruit extract in different proportions. If the fruit loses more sugar during the drying process, it becomes a little more sour, and if a little sugar comes out, it becomes sweet, which will vary according to different methods.

ARMANIFOOD special product is pitted prune or armani prune

Dry plum temperament | Plums in traditional medicine

Dried plums do not have a different temperament from fresh plums in terms of traditional medicine. Both plums are cold in temperament, so it is very useful for people with hot and dry temperaments.

For people with a cold temper, it is also recommended to consume this fruit either dried or fresh with honey. Under no circumstances should plums or similar fruits be excluded from the diet. Because we limit the body’s use of substances and its benefits. It may be thought that the sugar in them causes weight gain, but a proper and healthy diet never restricts the consumption of fruits and vegetables.


How to prepare dried fruit at home, storage method and benefits

Dried fruit has a very delicious and pleasant taste. These fruits are also very rich in nutrients, so they are used for better functioning of the body. In each season, only certain fruits are harvested. Delicious fruits usually have very little variety in the cold seasons, which is why humans have always thought of a way to preserve delicious fruits. Drying the fruit is a great way to diversify the fruit in meals. By using this method, you can preserve the taste and nutrients of the fruit to a great extent and enjoy consuming it in different seasons.

How to dry fruit at home

To dry the fruit at home, you must first select the best fresh fruits. Contrary to popular belief that poor quality fruits should be dried, you should know that you should use the most ripe and healthy fruits to get the best results. A very important point for producing dried fruit at home is that the most ripe fruit should be selected. If you use unripe or semi-ripe fruit, because the starch has not yet turned into sugar, the taste will be very low after drying and the texture of the dried fruit will not have the necessary softness. First you have to wash the fruits well and after peeling and separating the kernels, cut them to the desired thickness. The thicker the slices, the greater the fleshy texture of the dried fruit. At Armani Food Company, we always make sure that the size of the fruit slices is such that even an old man can eat it easily. For example, the appropriate thickness for dried apples and prunes is between 6 and 8 mm. Some fruits turn brown as soon as they are peeled and sliced. You can add a little lemon juice to prevent them from oxidizing. At Armani Food Company, we use metabisulfide and other color stabilizing materials in the permitted dose to prevent discoloration. One of the easiest ways to bulk dry fruits is to place it in the sun, which requires a little patience, this method usually takes a few days for all the fruits to dry under direct sunlight. If you want to produce dried fruit at home in the winter, heaters and radiators are also available. In summer and other seasons you can also use the oven or home dryer. My advice to you is that if you are planning to buy a home dryer, my advice to you is that if you are going to buy a home dryer, make sure that your appliance works with city gas in addition to electricity. Because the power consumption of home dryers is very high. One of the creativities you can do while working is to add homemade additives to these delicious slices. For example, after slicing an apple, add a little butter, a little cinnamon and sugar, and then put them in the dryer, Or you can even put apple slices boiled beet juice and dry them after absorbing the dye, And after 8 hours you will have a very tasty dried apple with boiled beet taste.



Drying the fruit with a dryer

Today, special and widely used devices are designed to dry the fruit and with the help of them, you can dry all kinds of fruits in the best possible way. Cut different fruits into small pieces and arrange them regularly in this device. It usually takes 24 hours for the various fruits in the device to dry well.  People who like dried fruit and consume a lot of it daily as a snack, can prepare this device.

Buying dried fruit

You can prepare dried fruits from the market either ready-made or you can prepare dried fruits at home with the help of simple methods. But our strong recommendation is to buy dried fruit from reputable dried fruit wholesale supplier, because the cost of producing this product at home is much higher than its selling price in the market. The reason is that the cost price of Armani Food products is lower than home products and has a minimum of waste and the most important issue is the production experience of this company. In addition, because we do this on a large scale and industrially, the cost price of the final product is far less than what you want to do at home. A good example of what most people have experienced is pizza. If you want to make pizza at home, it will cost at least twice the cost price of pizza at the nearest fast food restaurant to your home. The most important reason for this is the lower production costs in the industrial dimensions. Today you can buy dried and high quality fruits at a reasonable price, if you can not dry the fruit at home, it is better to buy them, so you can order a variety of dried fruits with great taste in special packages online. Dried bananas, dried coconuts, dried onions, dried stencil and even dried tomatoes can be prepared in different sizes. Iran is a country of four seasons with different climates. That is why many fruits are grown in our beloved country. But we are not content with these fruits, And in the ideal food collection you can also order dried tropical fruits. The most popular are dried pineapple and dried mango.



Preservation of dried fruit

Dried fruit production is a sensitive task and must be done in compliance with all health standards. But this is not the end. If you want to use dried fruits for a longer period of time, you have to preserve them in the best possible way. It is better to put these dried fruits in closed containers or suitable and clean bags, Or keep them in the refrigerator or in a cool, dry place. Durability of dried fruits at home is 2 months, But if you can keep it in the fridge, durability of dried fruit is up to 1 year. One of the signs of fresh fruit is its fresh smell and color stability. For example, dried pears turn dark pink and brown over time, And fresh dried oranges should have a very strong smell and aroma, and if the smell is low, you should doubt that it is fresh.

Mixed 5 dried fruits

The best producer and distributor of wholesale dried fruits in Iran

Dried fruit is a product that has been used from the past to the present, And in the past, when refrigerators and preservatives were not available to store fresh fruit, the fruits were dried, And in other seasons of the year when the fruit did not exist, they used it. Fortunately, this old tradition has survived, And now many centers are producing dried fruit, And Armani Food Industries Company is proud to acquaint you with its successes and its distinction with other distribution authorities of these products, as one of the best wholesale distribution centers for dried fruits. There are currently 13 types of dried fruits in the dried fruit basket offered by Armani Food Company, which is a very high variety among dried fruits, And you can buy oranges, apples, strawberries, peaches, cherries, pineapples, persimmons, etc. in the form of dried fruits in wholesale and in bulk from this collection. Armani Company has also prepared popular packages of dried fruit mix for fastidious people and those who want all the flavors together, which is widely welcomed by customers.

The most important distinction between Armani Food Industries Company and other producers

One of the most important features that has made this company progress, is that the products are up to date and healthy, And now Armani Company has the ability to supply and produce one container of dried fruit per week, which is delivered to domestic and foreign markets. Dried fruit production is produced in two traditional and industrial methods, which due to the high volume of orders, dried fruit production in Armani company is done industrially and with advanced equipment that does not cause the least damage to the nutrients and color of the fruit. All products produced in Armani Food Industries Company are supervised by the Food and Drug Administration and in compliance with all hygienic principles, and all fruits used in the drying process are fully ripe, and in this process, frozen and unripe fruits are not used. Fruits prepared for drying are washed during the process with fully automatic devices and checked by supervisors, And one of the very special measures that is done in this section is the use of special disinfectant gas that makes the fruits free of any contamination and does not damage the structure and texture of the fruit. In order for the first-class and completely hygienic product to reach the dear customers, the fruits are packed in a completely isolated and hygienic environment. The use of preservatives within the allowed limits set by the laws of each country does not adversely affect the product. Armani Food Dried Fruit Wholesale Distribution Company Armani Food Wholesale Distribution Company has also increased the shelf life of the product by using preservatives with the allowed amount. In the process of producing dried fruit, no artificial colors are added to the products, And the use of advanced devices helps us a lot in the color stability of the fruit, Also, the real taste of the fruit is known in its dried sample and no artificial or chemical flavors are used. Fresh and ripe fruits purchased directly from the gardens of Iranian farmers are sorted in several stages, And sorting means sifting the fruits so that the damaged, wounded, worm-eaten fruit and wood and leaves are separated from the fresh and healthy fruits and are not used in the drying process. Sorting devices operate in several stages, the first stage is before the fruit dries, Sorting devices operate in several stages, the first stage is before the fruit is dried, and then after the production of dried fruit, sorting is done, which separates the fruits that are damaged in the drying stages. Other advantages that make Armani Food Industries Company superior are the well-equipped laboratory inside the factory, which is equipped with advanced devices for detecting compounds and its amount in products, which is managed by an experienced team, And you can find out the product calories, carbohydrates, etc. by the label on the product package. The weight of the products is also done in this laboratory by very accurate scales, and if you want to know the exact amount of metals, toxins left, etc., you can benefit from the knowledge of this experienced team in the laboratory.


Extra and special services of the company

At Armani Food Company, you can buy your purchase in partial and total purchase, and in case of total purchase, the requested products will be packaged in different and desired weights. Other special services that Armani Food has provided for its customers include packing products with your company logo and your collection, which is a great advantage in the total purchase. If you are exporting these products in your business, you can leave all your customs affairs to us to export products such as dried fruits to be done in the best possible way. In fact, Armani Food Company will do all the steps of exporting and presenting the product on your behalf, In fact, Armani Food Company will do all the steps of exporting and presenting the product on your behalf, first packing the products in different weights according to your request and then by stamping the logo of your collection on the products and doing customs affairs, they will do all the export steps for you. Another special service provided by the dried fruit wholesale distribution center is laboratory tests that are performed based on your needs and in different samples, for example, if you need the amount of heavy metals in products, Armani Equipped Laboratory will do this for you with an error rate close to zero.

Wholesale dried fruit

The distribution of dried fruits has many advantages for the buyer as well as the seller. It is now possible to buy many products by phone, which is also possible to buy wholesale dried fruit, and Armani Food online store with special benefits will help you in buying. In the wholesale distribution of dried fruits and also online, you can check the types of products and their properties and then decide to buy the types of dried fruits in Armani Food collection in beautiful and suitable gift packages. Dried fruit is the best and healthiest way to entertain guests. These products can be sent all over Iran in high variety and safe and healthy packaging, And you have made your partial and total purchase from the first-class wholesale distribution center of dried fruits, And leave the export of the product with confidence to Armani Food Food Company, And enjoy fast receiving quality products.

The Precautions of Dry Fruits for Diabetics

Dried orange

Wholesale dried fruit prices of Iran for export and import

This is the Iran dry fruits price list in bulk, showing the difference between wholesale and retail prices. The table below shows the price of dried fruit per kilogram in USD for export.

Production and sale of wholesale dried fruits

Fruits such as apples, pears, peaches, kiwis, apricots, etc. can be dried, so you can buy a variety of dried fruits. Wholesale production and sale of dried fruits in Tehran and other provinces of IRAN is done in this regard. What is the price of wholesale dried fruits in Iran? And what factors does it depend on? What are the production methods of dried fruits? And is it possible to export different kinds of dried fruits to different parts of the world or not?

Consumption of dried fruit in Iran is much higher than 5 years ago. This product is currently in the dried fruit basket of many families. The prices of dried fruits in Iran nut  shops are very different from each other, but the wholesale price of Armani Company, which is one of the largest producers of dried fruits in Iran, is fixed for every city and every store. One of the most important factors influencing the final price of this product is the quality and purchase volume of this product. The better and fresher the dried fruit, the higher the price.

If you are going to import dried fruits from IRAN dry fruits price list, then your purchase volume is high and its selling price will be lower for you.

Wholesale and retail prices of dried fruits

For example in the year 2024 the wholesale price of the best dried persimmon food is 4.23 USD per kilo, But the wholesale price of Iran Grand Bazaar also reaches 6.45 USD. Or, for example, the best quality of Armani Food dried kiwi is 6.73 USD per kilogram; But the price of dried kiwi in the nut shops of Tehran is about 9.12 USD (The prices are just for example to show difference between retail and wholesale prices in Iran dry fruits price list).

bulk Dried fruits Supplier in iran

export bulk Iranian dried fruit at wholesale prices

Iran is one of the successful countries in the field of nuts and dried fruit production. The fruits in Iran have high quality and very reasonable prices, considering the low value of Rial. This makes export bulk Iranian dried fruit at wholesale prices them one of the most profitable businesses for wholesale and retail counterparts in other countries.

Armani Food Company is one of the oldest and most reliable producers and exporters of dried fruit to different countries of the world, especially Russia. Below is a list of our prices for these products as examples that you can compare with other countries and companies. We are ready to compete with any famous company product in terms of quality.


Iran dry fruits price list

The price list of dried fruit in Iran is for example the price list of dried fruit per kilogram, the wholesale price of dried fruit is different from the retail price. For export and bulk orders, our dry fruit price table can be seen as an example in the table below:

ARMANIFOOD Dry Fruits Wholesale Price List (Iran dry fruits price list)

# Items USD/kg
1 Apple 3.84
2 Pear 4.42
3 persimmon 4.23
4 Sliced Plum 5
5 Pitted plum (whole-not sliced) 3.55
6 Kiwi 6.73
7 Strawberry 8.65
8 Coconut 7.69
9 Banana 8.65
10 Thomson orange 3.65
11 Peach 7.11
12 Apricot (not sliced) 3.84
13  Blood orange 3.84

This is just a sample of our dried fruits price. For example, the wholesale price for our dried apricots varies from 3.84 USD/kg to 5.48 USD/kg based on quality.

Factors affecting the price of dried fruit In Iran and middle east

The type of dried fruit is the most important factor in the final price of this product. For example dried persimmons. Northern Iran persimmon is cheaper than persimmon in Kan village (a Village near Tehran). But the difference between the two products is not only in price. Dried persimmon of Karaj and Kan region is much sweeter and more colorful than northern of Iran persimmon in Iran dry fruits price list.


The price of Pakistani dried bananas is cheaper than Ecuadorian dried bananas. The difference between Ecuadorian dried bananas and Indian and Pakistani dried bananas in yellow color and sweet taste is obvious. Always keep in mind when buying dried fruit that the seller must have complete control over his product and inform his buyer of what he is buying.

In products such as wholesale dried kiwi, the price difference is more in the size and amount of sorting and uniformity of dried fruit. The more beautiful and uniform the fruit slices, the higher the price.


Wholesale price of dried fruit and its effective factors in IRAN

In general, keep in mind that the wholesale price of dried fruit in Iran and in general in whole world has always been more expensive than fresh fruit. The reason is also related to the large volume of dried fruit compared to fresh fruit and other factors that have made dried fruits more expensive than fresh fruit.

Fruit production season

The wholesale price of dried fruit can change depending on the season of natural and fresh fruit production. In such a way that if the season is related to that fresh fruit, And fruit to be available in the market; The price of wholesale dried fruit is reasonable. But whatever passes the season of that fruit, And natural fruit is not available in the market; Gradually,

the price of that particular fruit also increases. As the demand for wholesale dried fruit is increasing, therefore, due to the long lifetime of dried fruit, You can eat any fruit in any season of the year.

Type of dried fruit packaging

The type of packaging can also affect the wholesale price. In addition to selling wholesale dried fruit, And due to the observance of hygienic principles, dried fruits are sold in various packages. Packaging can affect the wholesale price of dried fruit, both in terms of volume and weight, as well as the quality of packaging in various forms.

You can buy dried fruits in packages of kraft bags, binding cover containers in different shapes, inlay containers and aluminum wrappers, the price of each type and quality of packaging is different.

Prices of natural and fresh fruit list

The price of the same natural and fresh fruit can also affect the price of dried fruit. In this way, if natural fruits can be bought at reasonable prices before drying; Of course, you can also buy dried fruit of the same fruit at reasonable prices. But the higher the price of natural and fresh fruit; The wholesale price of dried fruit of that particular fruit also increases significantly. The ideal situation for dried fruit production is that the garden or agricultural land is as close as possible to the dried fruit production factory. Because shipping costs go down, which means lower costs and cheaper dried fruit.

Different stores in Iran dry fruits price list

The wholesale prices of dried fruits in Tehran and other provinces of IRAN are different. Because the price of fruit is not the same in every city. On the other hand, any of the shops and producers of dried fruits, even if they are in the same city; But still offer different prices to their customers according to their conditions. It is better to inquire from different centers and stores before buying, And get to the store you want to buy dried fruit.

Currency flactuations

Currency fluctuations in the country are another factor affecting the major price of dried fruit. For tropical fruits including bananas, mangoes, pineapples and coconuts, currency prices are the main and determining factor.

Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company
Bulk dried fruits | Armani Food Company
Dried Fruits Manufacturer, Suppliers and Exporters

13 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Dried Fruit

Fruits provide vitamins and nutrients to maintain a healthy body. But, only eating one kind of fruit isn’t enough. According to some studies, people should eat a variety of fruits to get all the nutrients they need. However, eating a variety of fruits regularly can be difficult. Not all types of fruits are available all year round. Also, it can be inconvenient for most people to go grocery shopping often only to get fresh fruits. That’s why many people resort to dried fruits. Besides its convenience, it has many benefits. Here are some benefits of dried fruit :

Increases nutrient intake

Eating more dried fruit than fresh fruits can give more nutrients to the body. The drying process condenses nutrients in the fruit. It can provide more potassium, folate, and magnesium to name a few.

Prevents and controls diabetes

Despite being high in sugar, dried fruit can prevent and reduce the risk of diabetes. Common dried fruits like raisins have antioxidants. Antioxidants in dried fruit can improve the response of insulin. They can also prevent oxidative stress and inflammation in the pancreas.

Boosts the immune system

For a quick immune system boost, dried goji berries may help. They’re considered as superfoods that contain iron, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Also, they have lower calorie and carb content. The vitamin C in dried fruit not only enhances the immune system. It also improves skin quality and fights off infections.

Improves colon and digestive health

Dried fruit can help improve color health. It has prebiotic fiber. This helps the healthy bacteria to keep the digestive tract going. Prunes or dried plums are high in potassium, vitamin A, vitamin K, and fiber. It’s a well-known natural laxative. They can improve constipation symptoms. They could also improve the consistency and frequency of stool.

Reduces anxiety and depression symptoms

Dried goji berries can also reduce anxiety and depression. The polysaccharides in goji berries can increase melatonin and/or serotonin levels. This would reduce anxiety and depression. The antioxidants in goji berry could also relieve anxiety and improve memory.

Aids healthy pregnancies

Eating dried dates may aid smooth labor and delivery. It can help the cervix dilate in the last few months of pregnancy. This may reduce the risks of induced labor.

Dates also have other benefits for pregnant women. They have potassium, iron, and fiber. Dried dates are among the best antioxidant sources. Eating them won’t increase blood sugar levels.

Promotes weight loss

Certain dried fruit such as apricots, dates, prunes, and raisins can help increase metabolism. Boosted metabolism can improve energy and promote weight loss.

Dried fruit can keep cravings at bay. They can fill a stomach for a couple of hours. Instead of snacking on unhealthy, sugar-filled foods, dried fruit is the better option. Also, an improved digestive tract because of dried fruit can prevent bloating.

Prevents bone-related illnesses

Women may reap the most benefits from dried fruit, especially for their bones. It’s because osteoporosis often hits more women than men.

Eating dried fruit can help reduce the risks of osteoporosis. Prunes help suppress bone breakdown, especially in old-aged women. This gives the bones enough time to recover again.

Improves heart health

Dried fruit can also improve heart health. An ounce of dried fruit contains more antioxidants and fiber than one ounce of fresh fruit. These components are essential parts in keeping your heart healthy.

Dried cranberries can help prevent blood clots. This may aid in keeping consistent blood flow from the heart throughout the body.

Keeps skin healthy

Incorporating more dried fruit in diets can also keep skin looking fresh and healthy. Dried mangoes provide omega 3 and other fatty nutrients that help improve skin quality. Raisins have resveratrol, which is a natural skin-aging inhibitor.

Prevents anemia and hypertension

Many kinds of dried fruit such as apricots are rich in potassium. It helps prevent hypertension and palpitation.

Iron can also be found in apricots, prunes, and raisins. Increasing iron intake through dried fruit can help reduce the risks of anemia. This makes dry fruit an essential part of vegan and pregnancy diets.

Reduces the risks of mental illnesses

Dried berries like strawberries and blueberries can help promote mental health. They are high in antioxidants, which can help prevent memory loss and other mental illnesses. These are best for the elderly who are more susceptible to dementia.

Boosts energy

There’s a reason why many energy bars have dry fruit in them. It’s because it can give an energy boost. Have a quick snack of dried grapes (raisins), cherries, and apricots in between meals. They can give enough energy to last a busy day.

Things to Consider When Eating Dried Fruit

Despite the benefits of dry fruits, there are still some things to consider before eating them.

  • Don’t eat candied fruit. Syrup and sugar are often added to dry fruit to make them more appealing. They may taste better, but they’re not healthy. They may result in adverse effects instead.
  • Consider making dry fruit at home. Nothing beats homemade food. Dying fruit at home is best since it won’t have any harmful additives.
  • Avoid allergic reactions. People with allergies to some fruits should avoid trail mix or mixed dried fruits.
  • Too much is bad. Fruits, whether dried or not, still contain calories and natural sugars. When eaten in excess, it may do more harm than good. It’s best to eat them moderately.
  • Don’t use them as the main source of nutrition. Aside from eating them in small amounts, dry fruit mustn’t be the only source of nutrition. They’re best eaten with other healthy foods.


People can gain benefits of dried fruit when eaten properly. It can help improve overall health. Try eating dried fruit as an alternative to drug supplements. It’s healthier and natural. It’s possible to dry most kinds of fruit. This gives people a wide variety of choices. Still, they mustn’t be eaten too much. Like other foods, eat them in moderation. Always choose natural dried fruit without the added sugar. Drying fruits at home is the best way to ensure that they don’t have any unhealthy ingredients

Ref: Drying All Foods

Dried apple Supplier

Why Eating Dried Apple Is Good for You

Dehydrated fruits are an easy and convenient way to reach your recommended daily fruits intake. Dried apples are among the popular fruits that you can munch on every day. But, is eating dried apples really healthy? And what are the benefits of dried apple to your body’s overall well-being?

What are dried apples?

Apples are known to be tasty and juicy fruits. But what if you strip off all its water content? Will it be as good a snack as fresh apples?

Dried or dehydrated apples pertain to apple fruits that have their original water contents removed from them. They look like lightly-browned, thinly-sliced versions of fresh apples. Dried apples are often commercially-produced, but you can also make your own homemade version.

Dried apples are naturally sweet, making them a great-tasting snack alternative to fresh apples. Think of them as fruit chips in snack-size portions.

Drying apples is one of the oldest and simplest ways of preserving the fruit. Drying removes the water that food-spoiling microorganisms and enzymes use to thrive. Some methods for drying apples include the following:

  • Industrial Dehydration
  • Sun-drying
  • Using wind-tunnel dryers for mass production of dried apple
  • Placing apples in a dehydrator
  • Drying through an oven

Dried apples are packed in resealable food storage bags or containers. This makes them more hygienic and even less likely to spoil than apples preserved through canning methods.

Stocking up on dried apples is a common way to ensure that you have enough fruit supply for the winter months. It can be hard to find fresh apples and other fruits during winter, so people purchase lots of dried apples beforehand.

Health benefits of eating dried apple

Some people have the misconception that dried fruits are not as healthy as fresh ones. This is a myth that truly needs to be busted. It’s because dried fruits such as apples also offer a lot of health benefits for everyone. Light, crisp, and delicious dried apples give you a host of healthy goodness. The following list enumerates the health benefits of dried apples:

1- Dried apples prevent constipation and keep you full for long

Other methods of preserving fruits typically strip off the fruit’s fiber content. But not for dried apples.

One of the benefits of dried apples is that it packs a high amount of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Half a cup of dried apples already gives you approximately 3-4 grams of dietary fiber, sufficient to cover 13-20% of your daily fiber requirements.

Fiber keeps you satiated by preventing spikes in your blood sugar levels after meals. It also helps flush away toxins and harmful bacteria from your gut. Fiber softens your stool to keep constipation at bay as well. Soluble fiber is responsible for controlling your blood sugar levels, while insoluble fiber keeps your gut clean.

Choose dried apples that still have their skin, as it is where most of the fiber comes from.

2- Dried apple contains B-vitamins that are good for the hormones, brain, and energy

Dried apples contain two essential B-vitamins that promote energy metabolism, improve hormonal balance, and nourish the brain. They are pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6).

Pantothenic acid is responsible for helping your body create energy from the food you eat. It is also vital in hormone production. Dried apples contain approximately 3% of your recommended daily intake of the vitamin.

Pyridoxine is a B-vitamin that aids in metabolizing proteins and helps in creating neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemical transmitters in the brain that improve brain response and function. Dried apples can cover around 6% of your recommended daily pyridoxine intake.

3- Dried apples improve cellular health

Dried apples are a rich source of antioxidants, especially polyphenols. These are substances that help fight off damage to your cells caused by free radicals.

Free radicals are molecules and atoms given off by substances such as air pollutants, pesticides, alcohol, and fried foods. Free radicals are absorbed by the body and cause damage to the cell through a process known as oxidation. This means that free radicals take the electrons found in the cell, leaving it with damaged proteins, membranes, and DNA.

Damaged cells can occur in any organ and system of your body. You might be unknowingly experiencing cellular damage in some parts of your body. Some symptoms of cellular damage may include physical fatigue, dry, dull skin, and mental instability.

Polyphenols are antioxidants that help damaged cells regenerate themselves. They can neutralize free radicals by replacing the electrons stolen from the cells. Polyphenols also help in reducing the number of free radicals that enter the body.

One of the benefits of dried apples is that it improves polyphenol levels in the body. The antioxidants released through eating dried apples help your cells cope with the effects of cellular damage. Your body’s cells will be nourished and will be equipped to heal themselves faster, leading to an increase in energy, a noticeable glow on your skin, and an improvement in your mood and mental function.

4- Dried apples increase your mineral intake

Minerals are a vital substance to keeping your body healthy. Some people might be surprised to know that among the benefits of dried apples is their mineral content. Dried apples carry key minerals that can contribute to your overall health and well-being:

  • Potassium – Half a cup of dried apples contains approximately 4% of your daily potassium needs. Potassium is vital for keeping your electrolyte and water levels in check. It’s also a mineral linked to improved brain and nervous system function.
  • Sodium – Like potassium, sodium is essential for keeping the water balance in your body. It also helps regulate blood volume and blood pressure. 40 grams of dried apples carry around 180 mg of sodium, which is approximately 8% of your recommended daily intake.
  • Iron – This mineral helps in creating fresh red blood cells, which then carry off oxygen in your blood to various parts of your body. Iron content in dried apples can cover 3-8% of your recommended daily intake.

Dried apples also contain trace minerals in tiny amounts, such as selenium, copper, and manganese.

5- Dried apples help maintain a healthy weight

Dried apples have zero fat content, making them an ideal snack for people who are currently watching their weight. They are also naturally sweet and can perfectly complement healthy foods such as salads and vegetables.

Be wary of eating lots of dried apples in one sitting, though. You can easily overeat them because of the small serving size. Stick to one cup of dried apples per meal to control your calorie intake.

Also, choose natural or organic options when buying commercially-prepared dried apples to spare yourself from the extra sugar in some candied varieties. Better yet, prepare your own homemade dried apples through your oven to ensure that no added sugars are included in your snack.

The Takeaway

There are lots of health benefits of dried apples that you simply cannot ignore. Branding them as nutritionally-lacking compared to their fresh fruit counterparts is simply a myth.

Dried apples improve your health in a myriad of ways. Eating them regularly:

  • Keeps you satiated
  • Improves your gut health
  • Helps you metabolize more energy
  • Helps improve brain and nerve function
  • Fights off cellular damage
  • Regulate water balance and blood volume
  • Improve oxygen delivery in the body
  • Help keep you at your ideal healthy weight

So, go ahead and stock up on dried apples. They’re a deliciously nutritious snack that keeps your tummy and body healthy and happy. It’s indeed a snack that’s good for you.

Ref: Drying All Foods

bulk Dried fruits Supplier in iran

Dried Fruits: Dispelling the Sugar Myths

Traditional dried fruits have historically been considered a nutritious snack choice in parts of the world where abundant sunshine enabled drying fruits for preservation, such as the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East. Clarifying some misconceptions, perpetuated as myths, about sugar concentration in dried fruits has become a matter of great importance.

Traditional dried fruits provide dietary fibre, are virtually fat and salt-free and each provide a range of essential micronutrients, such as potassium, copper, manganese, iron and vitamins A, E, K and niacin.  Being a carbohydrate food, dried fruits tend to be higher in sugars and given the current emphasis on sugar reduction their wholesome track record is being brought into question, especially in regions where dried fruits were not historically a local food.

Increasingly, ‘free’ or ‘added’ sugars are being reviewed by some health experts, due to the association of high sugar intakes with poor dietary quality, obesity and increased risk of non-communicable diseases – heart disease, cancers, diabetes, asthma and dental diseases being the most prevalent globally.� Free sugars include monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates.  A World Health Organization report recommends reducing free/added sugar to less than 10% of daily energy intakes, with consideration for additional reductions down to 5%.

Origins of sugar myths in dried fruits

Apparently, emphasis is on reducing sugar-sweetened beverages and the sugar contributed by fruit juices and smoothies, because of the large volumes of these energy-rich drinks consumed to simply quench thirst!  Unlike the whole fruit, their juices tend to be low in dietary fibre, the protective health role of which is well recognised. The UK’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition recommends increasing fibre from 25g to 30g/day, alongside reducing free/added sugars to less than 5% energy.

So, are dried fruits being recommended by health professionals as part of the solution? It seems not, for a number of reasons:

The popularity of processed fruit snacks, with varying quantities of fruit pieces, fruit juice concentrate and other forms of added sugar (e.g.,  glucose syrup in yoghurt coatings), is blurring the boundaries between confectionary at one end (high free/added sugar) and traditional dried fruits (with no added sugar) at the other. Processed fruit snacks with added sugar have been promoted as healthy, some boasting a contribution to 5-a-day and convenient for children’s lunch boxes, with consumers not until now questioning this claim.  A 2015 UK survey of children’s healthy fruit snacks revealed that 85% contained over 4tsp sugar/serving- that’s more than most sweets.  Such reports have contributed to the industry taking a more discerning look at the role of fruit and sugar, but there’s a long way to go since it seems consumers and health professionals alike do not automatically distinguish between fruits with added sugar and those that are 100% pure fruit.  As nutrition professionals, policy makers and consumers review the role of foods with added sugar in a healthful diet, the industry is encouraged to take steps that consistently communicate the nutrient benefits of traditional dried fruits without added sugar.

Oral health issues

Furthermore, traditional dried fruits are being included on lists of foods to be limited to mealtimes due to their supposed detrimental effect on teeth. The UK’s NHS website states: ‘A 30g portion of dried fruit, such as currants, dates, sultanas and figs, counts as one of your 5 A DAY, but should be eaten at mealtimes, not as a between-meal snack, to reduce the impact on teeth’.

This is a potentially serious case of urban myth, with supposition being perpetuated down the years, unchecked, then included as fact within new official health advice. The California Prune Board has taken this matter seriously and commissioned a review of the research literature to clarify matters. Oral health is a complex issue, and preliminary findings highlight a lack of consistent data such that more research is needed to recommend evidence-based practice. Early research focused on dried fruit sticking to teeth, but improved research methods challenge these assumptions. As an example, prunes can provide some potential dental health benefits, such as encouragement of salivary flow through chewing; anti-microbial properties due to their high polyphenol content; fibre’s cleansing action; and a low fermentability due to prunes high sorbitol content.

As stated in a past article revolving around real facts about dried fruit sugar concentration, traditional dried fruit is simply fresh fruit with water removed, so whole dried fruit should be recognized as a convenient alternative to fresh.  Some key influencers only see the relative sugar content of dried fruit, so it’s been quite easy to adopt the dental health advice and recommend limiting consumption of dried fruit to mealtimes.  Positioning traditional dried fruit as a close cousin with confectionary rather than an option to their fresh fruit siblings is misguided and undermines their potential as a nutritious alternative to popular snacks that can be high in sugar, fat and salt.

Health benefits of dried fruits

An excellent report was published in 2011 summarizing the view of scientists that traditional dried fruits could and should be considered alongside fresh and so contribute towards achieving the increased fruit and vegetable intakes so necessary for improved health outcomes.

To correct misinformation, the dried fruit industry needs to communicate the nutrient content and potential health benefits of traditional dried fruits based on accurate and high quality research.  On balance, we can continue to enjoy some confectionary, so there’s a place for processed fruit snacks, but traditional dried fruits are the important food choices that can improve consumers’ snacking habits.

What’s your opinion? Are dried fruits among your daily choices?

Source: International Nut and Dried Fruit Council

bulk Dried pulm Supplier in iran

The Role of Dried Plum in Bone Health

As the demographic shift to an older population continues, a growing number of men and women will be diagnosed with osteoporosis and a search for potential non-pharmacological alternative therapies is increasing. In addition to existing drug therapies, certain lifestyle and nutritional factors are known to reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The benefits of dried plum consumption for osteoporosis and their role in total body bone mineral density (BMD) loss have been supported by scientific research in both animal studies and clinical trials.

Dried plums and Prunes are high in fiber, vitamin K, which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones, and potassium, which contributes to normal muscle function. Dried plums are also a source of copper, which contributes to maintenance of normal connective tissues.

Research in Dried Plum

Research in dried plums has increased beginning with studies of their potential in restoring bone and preventing bone loss in animal models of osteoporosis. Some animal studies suggest that fruit consumption with antioxidant content may have a pronounced effect on bone health, as shown by higher bone mass, trabecular bone (a.k.a. spongy bone) volume, number and thickness, and lower trabecular separation (which puts the person at risk of osteoporosis) by enhancing bone formation, suppressing bone resorption and increasing bone strength. The bone protection effects seem to be mediated via antioxidant or anti-inflammatory pathways leading to osteoblast mineralization and osteoclast inactivation.

Benefits Associated to Dried Plum & Prunes

According to a randomized controlled trial published last year, dried plum (prunes) consumption may prevent the loss of total body BMD in older osteopenic postmenopausal women. Forty-eight osteopenic (bone mineral density is lower than normal but not low enough to be classified as osteoporosis) women (65-79 years old) were randomly assigned into one of three treatment groups for six months: 50 g of dried plums, 100 g of dried plums or a control group.

All groups were supplemented with calcium and vitamin D. Total body, hip and lumbar bone mineral density were evaluated at baseline and six months after using DEXA. In addition, several markers of bone metabolism were determined during the trial. Data revealed that both dried plum groups were able to prevent the loss of total body bone mineral density when compared to the control group. This effect has been explained in part to the ability of dried plums to inhibit bone reabsorption. The study’s results support previous data on the role that dried plums may play in bone health, especially in older postmenopausal women.

Ref: International Nut and Dried Fruit Council